The mission of RHHP..

The mission of RHHP is to provide a Christian community setting where persons of various cultures learn from each other, the surrounding neighborhood, and life in Baltimore city. We believe that people's lives are blessed by being part of faith communities.

Monday, April 9, 2012

First harvest of the year

first harvest of Swiss chard of 2012
strawberries in pots

The recent mild weather has yielded its bounty in our garden at RHHP. Last year's Swiss chard produced the first batch of greens that ended up as topping on an Easter pizza. I hope that they will keep me supplied with greens until the new crop begins to produce.

 I also experimented with growing strawberries in pots. I transplanted them from the beds in hope that locating the  pots close to the house might make it sufficiently inconvenient to discourage the rats from devouring the berries before I get a shot at them.

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