The mission of RHHP..

The mission of RHHP is to provide a Christian community setting where persons of various cultures learn from each other, the surrounding neighborhood, and life in Baltimore city. We believe that people's lives are blessed by being part of faith communities.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The annual RHHP non-violent self-defense/safety training

Marty begins with community safety

Bekoli in demonstration

demonstrating a subway scenario
Take this bag! Take this bag!

Yesterday was the annual RHHP non-violent self-defense and response-to-violence training by Marty Langelan.  We were joined by three German Brethren volunteers who recently arrived in the Baltimore for their volunteer assignments. A big thank you to Anna for providing simultaneous translation in Spanish. Also, a big thank you to Ellen for providing soup and cookies for lunch. Thanks also to Laura and Amy for providing garlic toast and salad respectively.

As in previous years, Marty taught us how to develop street-smart habits for staying safe and avoid becoming victims of violence. She also taught us non-violent ways to confront harassment on the streets and other situations. Most important of all, she taught us that personal safety and self-defense begin in our awareness, in our attitudes and through personal preparation. Yesterday's training was particularly relevant as one of our housemates was recently harassed and another physically assaulted but fortunately escaped with minor injury.

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