RHHP might also be known as a house of transitions. At its capacity, there may be as many as 15 residents in the RHHP all of whom are undergoing important life changes of one sort or another. Our asylum seekers and asylees (those who have been granted asylum because of persecution in their home countries and allowed to remain in the US) are compelled to make these changes by circumstances in their home countries. At this time, we have three Cameroonians, one Iraqi and one Ethiopian. Others live here while they attend school in Baltimore. Also living here is a unit of Mennonite Volunteers who elect to serve one year or longer in Baltimore where they work in a variety of human service agencies. One volunteer teaches music and art in a Christian school and she regales us with her exploits from her classroom. It is inspiring to see how she plunged into an urban environment so different from what she was accustomed to and in a few months flourish in her job despite the lack of resources both of the school and challenges her students bring into the classroom.
For such a mix of people going through changes, RHHP provides sanctuary and community which makes it easier for them to live through these times of uncertainty.